a) Assist the architect in definition of the urban parameters applicable;
b) Assist the architect establishing contacts with Technical Services of the Municipality and other Legal Autorities such as Direcção do Património Cultural, to anticipate necessary corrections, and making necessary adjustments in design to ensure a faster approval;
c) Prepare a Preliminary Planning for the global project, subject to continuous updating, in order to maintain the Developer informed, regarding the project progress and possible deviation, and developing the necessary actions with all the project actors to achieve the scheduled goal or minimize delays;
d) Assist Developer to establish a Preliminary Program to the Design team (architects and engineers), in which will be defined the scope, desired quality, and all requirements for the project;
e) Support Developer, about design options and their consequences in the budget and planning of the project;
f) Organise and chair regular design team meetings to ensure the design information is released as per the agreed project timescale;
g) Develop the necessary actions with each member of the design team to ensure the design established deliveries;
h) Following the licensing permit process at the Municipality and other legal entities;
i) Assist Developer in the strategy for contractors tender process;
j) Implementation of the tender process, with all the required elements, such as detailed designs, tender program and specifications, which sets the legal and administrative conditions for the diferent contracts and supplies;
l) Propose the contractors and suppliers to invite for tender phase;
m) Evaluate all contractors and suppliers proposals and exhibit a contractor’s proposal analysis report;
n) Support the Developer in the negotiation with contractors;
o) Assist the legal consultant in preparation of the contract minutes which will regulate the contract works and supplies.

a) Prepare and formalize the work assignment order for the different works;
b) Organize and guide the meetings, preparing and submit the minutes.
c) Site supervision works developed, in its different aspects, namely quality, costs and schedule;
d) Bill of quantities verification, contract invoices approval and inform its payment conditions;
e) Elaboration the monthly report from which stands out the analysis of the project progress in terms of planning and financial schedule;
f) Ensure compliance with contractual terms, and propose the implementation of corrective measures and penalties to avoid or minimize any delays concerning the contractual works.
g) Make the provisional acceptance of the contracted works and supplies, and drawn up a report with necessary repairs to be carried out.
h) Preparing the final bill, check and approve the taking-over documentation including as-built drawings.